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noun. Definition of intangible (Entry 2 of 2) : something intangible: such as. a : an asset (such as goodwill) that is not corporeal. b : an abstract quality or attribute. Other Words from intangible Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about intangible.


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Disponemos de un modelo que nos permita conocer el retorno de las inversiones que hacen las organizaciones en sus Activos Intangibles. Estimamos el valor razonable de una marca u otro activo intangible de los activos intangibles y de la propiedad intelectual sea cada vez más crítica. Además  20 Oct 2020 Activos intangibles. Nuevos modelos (empresas) con fuerte componente intangible y el valor financiero que se crea (y como valorar). 24 May 2020 Esto nos permite diferenciar entre bienes tangibles e intangibles.

Discover market insights on intangible (digital collectible) assets. Currently supports NBA Top Shot, with future consideration to other Flow/Dapper products. Last updated on 2021-03-21 14:27:11 PST

For example, Coca Cola may have a vast inventory. But the value of that inventory is greatly increased by intangible assets like brand recognition and a good reputation. Type: Intangible - A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities, structured values, etc. Intangible assets are subsequently measured in a very similar way as property, plant and equipment.

Disponemos de un modelo que nos permita conocer el retorno de las inversiones que hacen las organizaciones en sus Activos Intangibles.


tangible que no se puede tocar el intangible paso del tiempo.


The first effect of this ability is similar to the ability Impalpable. Intangible assets have value thanks to the sole legal or intellectual rights they enjoy. Intangible assets also improve the value of other assets. For example, Coca Cola may have a vast inventory. But the value of that inventory is greatly increased by intangible assets like brand recognition and a good reputation.
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Other intangible assets include goodwill, accounts receivable, prepaid services, people, patents, trademarks, designs, and trade secrets. 2021-04-24 1981-05-01 📡 The Intangible creates cinematic electronic music largely in the space ambient genre.

Además  20 Oct 2020 Activos intangibles. Nuevos modelos (empresas) con fuerte componente intangible y el valor financiero que se crea (y como valorar).
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DICTIONARY.COM intangible definition: 1.

that he attributes to improvements to intangible factors. With all three approaches, he estimated the investments in intangible assets to be in excess of $ 1 trillion in 2000 and the capitalized value of these intangible assets to be in excess of $ 6 trillion in the same year.

intangible - (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value; "intangible assets such as good will" Intangible definition, not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable. See more.

Intangible assets are long-term assets, meaning you will use them at your company for more than one year.